Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal services offered in Alexandria, VA

Laser Hair Removal

If you’re tired of shaving or waxing in the constant fight against unwanted hair, consider laser hair removal at Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics in Alexandria, Virginia. Skilled dermatologist Oge Onwudiwe, MD, FAAD, offers laser hair removal to take care of growth wherever you need it. To learn more about this long-lasting treatment, reach out to the office by phone or book online today.

How does laser hair removal work?

Your laser hair removal at Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics uses concentrated light to target your hair follicles and diminish hair growth at its source. This treatment is effective for long-lasting reduction in your hair’s thickness and speed of growth, so you can significantly reduce or even eliminate your need to shave, pluck, or wax.

You can use laser hair removal to target:

  • Body hair, such as legs, arms, back, chest, or armpits
  • Upper lip or chin hair
  • Bikini line hair

Because the laser’s light energy targets the follicle’s pigment, it is not as useful for reducing gray or blonde hairs. In years past, laser hair removal was less effective for individuals with darker skin tones, but technology has now advanced to make it a viable treatment for most people.

How should I prepare for laser hair removal?

You can ensure the best results with a few key preparatory steps.

Consult with a skilled dermatologist

Dr. Onwudiwe can assess your hair and skin, go over your goals, and personalize your treatment to meet your needs.

Keep out of the sun

Sun damage can increase your risk of complications, so avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning beds for a few weeks before your treatment.

Shave the treatment area

Shaving before your appointment helps the laser focus on your hair follicles rather than the hair shaft above the surface.

Avoid specific products

For at least a few days before treatment, avoid any skin care products that can make your skin more sensitive.


Keep your skin healthy and hydrated by drinking enough water in the days leading up to your laser treatment.

What can I expect during laser hair removal?

Dr. Onwudiwe will cleanse the treatment area, and you’ll wear special goggles to protect your eyes. You may feel a sensation like warm pinpricks. While a very safe treatment, laser hair removal can cause some mild discomfort, redness, or swelling, but these symptoms should subside quickly.

The duration of treatment will depend on where you are seeking hair removal. For example, smaller areas like the upper lip may take only minutes, while the back or legs may take roughly an hour.

Expect a 10-25% reduction in hair after your treatment, with even more significant hair removal from a recommended series of treatments. You can get maintenance treatments as needed.

To learn more about laser hair removal, call Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics or schedule a consultation online today.