Acne Scarring

Acne Scarring services offered in Alexandria, VA

Acne Scarring

About one out of five people with acne develop scarring. Specializing in laser and cosmetic dermatology at Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics in Alexandria, Virginia, board-certified dermatologist Oge Onwudiwe, MD, FAAD, provides comprehensive care for acne scarring. She offers a wide range of treatments to improve the look of the skin. Call the office today or use the online booking button to learn more about treatment options for acne scarring.

Why do I have acne scarring?

Acne scarring occurs when your acne blemishes damage the pore. Acne is a common skin condition. It occurs when you have a buildup of dead skin cells and oil in a hair follicle, or pore, in the skin. Bacteria from the surface of your skin may enter pores, leading to inflammation and infection.

Inflammation within the pore causes swelling that expands and breaks down the tissue, causing damage to the pore and the layers of skin surrounding it. Your skin uses collagen fibers to repair the damage, resulting in the acne scar. 

Acne is common, and not everyone develops scars. Treating your acne is the best protection you have against scarring. However, it’s not always possible to stop the skin injury that ultimately leads to scarring. 

If you have acne scarring, Dr. Onwudiwe at Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics can help.  

What are the types of acne scarring?

Not all acne scars look the same. Some are raised; others are pitted. The type of scars you have play a role in the type of treatment you need.

Types of acne scarring include:

Depressed acne scars

Depressed acne scars occur because the skin doesn’t make enough collagen to repair the damage. These scars cause deep or wide pitted holes in the skin or indentations that make the skin look wavy.

Raised acne scars

Raised acne scars rise above the surface of the skin and occur because of an overproduction of collagen when repairing the damage. 

When should I see a dermatologist for acne scarring?

Acne scarring may fade and improve over time. However, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Onwudiwe at Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics if you’re unhappy about how the scars affect the look of your skin.

Dr. Onwudiwe examines your skin, reviews your medical history, and talks to you about your acne scarring treatment options. 

What are the treatments for acne scarring?

Dr. Onwudiwe customizes your acne scarring treatment plan based on acne scar type, location, and severity. Treatment options include:

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) creams (e.g., retinoids, alpha hydroxy acid)
  • Facials
  • Chemical peels
  • Dermabrasion
  • Laser treatment
  • Microneedling
  • Dermal fillers

Treatment may take time, but Dr. Onwudiwe makes sure you get the best results possible.

For comprehensive care for your acne scarring, call Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics today or book an appointment online.