
Facials services offered in Alexandria, VA


Facials are a popular treatment that keeps your skin looking smooth, fresh, and healthy. At Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics in Alexandria, Virginia, board-certified dermatologist Oge Onwudiwe, MD, FAAD, provides customized facials to meet individual skin needs and goals. Call the office today or use the online booking button to schedule your facial consultation with this experienced dermatologist.

What are facials?

Facials are a type of skin treatment. They involve cleaning, exfoliating, extracting, and moisturizing the skin to improve its look and health. Facials are customized to match skin type, skin concerns, and goals. 

Facials are gentle and safe treatments for the skin that you can easily include as a regular part of your skin’s wellness plan. 

At Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, Dr. Onwudiwe uses her advanced training in medical and cosmetic dermatology to create facial plans that keep your skin looking healthy and rejuvenated. 

Is a facial safe for sensitive skin?

Dr. Onwudiwe evaluates your skin and reviews your medical history to determine if facials make the best choice for you. Because she customizes treatments, using solutions that best fit your skin type, most people with sensitive skin can get facials.

Facials are also used to treat acne, acne scarring, skin aging (wrinkles), and uneven skin tone. 

What happens during facials?

Dr. Onwudiwe explains what you can expect during your facial at Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics. Facials at this dermatology practice are relaxing and revitalizing.

Dr. Onwudiwe thoroughly cleans your skin, removing dirt and debris from the surface. She then closely examines your skin to determine what treatments it needs. Dr. Onwudiwe then exfoliates the skin to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells.

Exfoliation may involve a special scrub, or Dr. Onwudiwe may use a chemical peel or microdermabrasion, a special exfoliating tool that gently sands the exterior layer of skin. She then extracts blackheads from your pores and massages the skin to improve circulation. 

She may also use a special mask to address specific skin concerns and finish the facial by applying a moisturizer and sunscreen. 

Dr. Onwudiwe may recommend a series of facials to get the best results. 

What are the benefits of facials?

Facials offer many benefits. Because they’re gentle, you can repeat this skin treatment regularly.

Benefits of facials include:

  • Assistance in skin cell turnover
  • Maintaining skin health and look
  • Evening out skin tone
  • Treating skin conditions
  • Helping you feel relaxed

Facials can help you keep your skin healthy and youthful. Call Cutis Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics today or book an appointment online.